Crowdfunding Explained?

What is crowdfunding?

If a company or person wants to raise money through crowdfunding, they can pitch for it by posting details of their project, business or idea on a crowdfunding website. This means they can avoid going to a bank. The ‘crowd’ in crowdfunding refers to the people, or organisations that provide the money.

There are several types of crowdfunding:?


  • Investment-based crowdfunding. You invest in a business and receive a stake in return (normally shares).
  • Loan-based crowdfunding. You lend money to individuals or companies in return for a set interest rate. It’s also called peer-to-peer or peer-to-business lending (P2P or P2B). You can read more about loan-based crowdfunding in our guide to Peer to peer lending.
  • Donation-based crowdfunding. You donate to a person or a charity (you may be promised something in return).
  • Reward-based crowdfunding. You give money in return for a reward linked to the project or cause you’re supporting.

Invest In Me focuses mainly on donation based crowdfunding

How does crowdfunding work?

If you visit a crowdfunding website, you should be able to see an overview of the projects being pitched. You might need to register with the website in order to see the pitches, to get more details, or to invest in a project.?

If you find a project you’re interested in, you’ll need to look for more details. The business, individual or social enterprise that’s looking to raise money should tell you:

  • How much it wants to raise
  • How much it has raised so far
  • The share in the business offered (if relevant)
  • What the money will be used for
  • How long the pitch is open for
  • How many people have already invested
  • What you will receive in return for investing (such as shares in the company)


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  • Kelly Niupoga July 30, 2020

    I am interested with the crowd funding .please assist me where to start

    • Invest In Me July 30, 2020

      Hi Kelly, thank you for reaching out.

      Please do create your account and start running your campaigns today! Get your story out there and share your campaigns with friends, family and potential investors.

      Here is a link to a video explaining the platform and how to get started:

      Wishing you all the very best!

      Invest In Me

  • Benny Yabai August 7, 2020

    I am starting a agricultural company in my village in Papua New Guinea and really need assistance to carry out the project. Purpose of the project is to build a Coca and Copra fementry. The project is to help the communities buy their coca and copra raw, and put the raw product in the process of fermantition and sell them to the main exporters. 100 bags of coca and copra each month. The community is struggling and I want to make life easier for them as our province is widely rich with the product. Need assistance or investors to carry out the project. Company as been registered looking for financial help.

    • Invest In Me August 28, 2020

      Hi Benny,

      Thank you for reaching out. You can send an email to and our support team will assist you in getting your campaign up and running.

      Thank you,
      Invest In Me

  • Pastor Moringa October 8, 2020

    I am a Moringa Farmer here in Papua New Guinea…. I have been making Moringa Products for nearly, 3 yeats now. With my family we have grown 250 Moringa trees in Hisiu village in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea and plan to grow more… The demand for MORINGA products are high.
    Our SME is called Romote Moringa Products based here in Port Moresby. We make Moringa Powder, Oil, Soap, Tea, Capsules (on demand) Juice.
    We campaign for funds to buy better Moringa products making machines…