7 Steps to Launching a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

If you’re looking to get attention and funding for your business idea, crowdfunding might give you the initial push you need to make your dreams a reality. Launching a successful crowdfunding campaign can essentially be broken down into the following nine steps.

1. Share your story

Let your potential funders know how your product or business idea can benefit them. Share who you are, what you’re planning to do, where the project idea came from, what your budget is and why you’re passionate about it. This shows you’ve actually put some thought into the idea, which helps prove the legitimacy and credibility of your project.

Make sure to create a great-looking project-header image as well as a compelling video. You have to have a stunning video pitch. Make sure the video quality is crystal clear, your story is compelling, and your product shines. Show you’re credible by speaking clearly, outlining the concept and the benefits, and demonstrating exactly how it works. Connect emotionally with a personal story in a way that a potential backer will be able to relate to. Finally, talk about why the product is unique. People need to know what problem you’re solving that will be appealing to consumers.

2. Offer great rewards

People will back your project if they think it’s worthwhile, but it’s always good to have great perks for your pledgers, too. 

You’ll also want to be fair with your rewards in terms of price points, and make sure you can actually fulfill them. It’s fine to promise your pledgers big rewards, but don’t forget that delivery can take considerable time and effort. Be realistic.

3. Set a funding goal

If you’re launching your campaign on Kicjstarter for example, be aware that it has an all-or-nothing funding model. If you meet or exceed your funding goal, you get to keep the money. If not, you don’t get anything. Invest In Me on the other hand work on a slightly different model, where you get to keep the funding regardless of whether you reach your goal.

At this point, it’s important to think about how much money you need to get your business up and running, and how many people you know might be willing to pledge. Although you may attract the attention of new people with your campaign, most of your support is going to come from those who already know you. Be realistic. Also keep in mind that you can’t change your funding goal once you’ve initiated the campaign.

4. Promote your campaign

There are many different ways to make people aware of your crowdfunding campaign. Here are a few tips for getting the word out:

  • Use social media to spread the message.

  • Reach out to the media and bloggers to get coverage for your cam­paign.

  • Host a live event to drive up interest and engagement.

Your campaign is unlikely to succeed without a 100 percent commitment on your part. You need to think of it as a full-time job while you’re driving toward your campaign goals. Leverage every relationship and marketing channel available to you.

5. Update your backers as your project progresses

You need to keep your project backers in the loop as you move forward with your campaign. If you don’t share regular updates with them, you could lose their interest and might not be able to attract as many pledgers as you’d like.

Invest In Me has built-in tools that allow you to update your project backers and send messages to them. Take advantage of these tools and keep everyone in the loop.

Be honest and regular with your updates. If things aren’t going exactly as you hoped they would, be transparent. Backers want to know that you can actually deliver on your project and the rewards you promised them.

6. Fulfill your promise

Your crowdfunding campaign isn’t over if and when you reach your funding goals. It’s over when you’ve fulfilled your promises. This means completing your project, delivering on your perks or rewards and making sure you’re communicating with your supporters every step of the way. Only when fulfillment is complete can you truly say you had a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Don’t forget: Your backers are of primary importance. When you show them that you care, they’ll be more willing to trust you and may even reach out to friends to share your campaign with them.

7. Find a viable means to monetize your pain point

Fundamentally, the purpose of creating a new product is to solve a problem and alleviate a pain point. For a crowdfunded product to be successful — and for any product to be successful — people must believe that it can alleviate one of their pain points.

“You need to be able to convey the value of the product or cause if you want them to support your crowdfunding project,” says Chalmers Brown, a serial entrepreneur and the cofounder of Due, an online invoicing platform. “If they don’t believe it will work, they won’t back it.”


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  • Josephine Lucas July 26, 2020

    It is a privilege to come across this platform. I for one have a vision to establish a three in one Early years centre. 1. To provide preschool education 2.identify learning difficulties in young children and provide learning strategies to combat learning disorder as early as Early Childhood Education Years. 3. Create a platform for Early years teachers to recieve training and apply it practically within the school. Obtaining funds was a big challenge to start this program. What ‘Invest in me’ has will make a big difference to little with big ideas. Thank you for this great platform.

    • Invest In Me July 26, 2020

      Hi Josephine,

      Thank you for your support. It is our vision to serve as an enabling technology allowing users to pursue their funding drives in raising the much needed capital to move their projects forward.

      Please do create your account and start running your campaigns today! Get your story out there and share your campaigns with friends, family and potential investors.

      Wishing you all the very best!